Neroli Flower Oil

Neroli Flower Oil


Appearance: Light yellow to amber Liquid

Odor: Similar to characteristic Neroli flower

Refraction Index (20 Celsius Degrees): 1.4610-1.4740

Relative Density (20/20 Celsius Degrees): 0.8600-0.8780

Optical Rotation (20 Celsius Degrees): -4 to 15 degrees

Solubility: Completely soluble in 2 volumes of 95% (v/v)Ethanol.Clear transparent solution.

Acid Value <=2

Ester Value from 26 to 80

Constituent: Pinene、Myrcene、Limonene、Trans Beta-Ocimene、Linalool、Linalyl Acetate、Terpineol、Neryl Acetate、Geranyl Acetate and Nerolidol etc.

Storage: store in cool, dry and well-ventilated warehouse away from gas pollutants and fire source.

Shelf Life:36 months in sealed original packaging under aforementioned storage conditions.

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